Thursday 13 August 2009

August 13

What a busy month it’s been! I’ve got lots to update since the last time I blogged.

In my last blog I brought you the news that I’d been made Chair of the Corporate Parenting Board for Lancashire and I’ve been extremely busy preparing for my new role. I’ve attended several briefing meetings already with senior officers and I’m due to have the first official meeting in a September. I’m really looking forward to getting stuck into the role – which is ultimately to look after the needs of children in care and seek the same outcomes any good parents would want for their child.

One of the Conservative pledges was to generate more funding to protect children at risk and to improve the lives of those in care – and I’m delighted to reveal that an additional £5m has been granted to allow us to do this. I will keep you updated as and when things develop.

I’ve been pleased that many of you have approached me about issues that you have been concerned about because being accessible and approachable was one of the promises I made, and I don’t want to let people down. Highways and adult social care seem to have arisen the most, which I will do my best to push forward. I do not intend to hold surgeries at the moment, as I have found I am readily accessible at the salon on Bank St, if you do want to see me, please ring 01706 217129 or 07771338892 to make an appointment to ensure I am available.

Many people have voiced their concerns over the proposed Alder Grange High Schools Sixth Form and how this will affect the traffic and parking issues. The highways issues certainly need to be addressed, as many of you who do the school run or live nearby will no doubt already experience traffic mayhem in the area!

It would be a shame however if we didn’t welcome such a great addition to the local area – as it will provide 300 pupils the chance to carry on with their education.  I will certainly pledge to do as much as possible to make sure these concerns are addressed.

The first Lancashire Local meeting has taken place this month. Five councillors from Rossendale Council and five County Councillors who represent Rossendale get together and discuss the needs of their local community and make sure the right services are delivered to you, particularly addressing those of great concern, including highways and transport. These meetings can impact on how the Council is influenced and shaped. This first meeting centred round Local Democracy Week and getting young people involved in it – something I am very keen to do.

I am also on the Standards Committee and Overview and Scrutiny Committees for Communities. I had a trip down to Birmingham to attend a conference for the Corporate Parenting Board, which I found really productive.